
Source code for mmpose.models.detectors.one_stage

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import warnings

import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.image import imwrite
from mmcv.utils.misc import deprecated_api_warning
from mmcv.visualization.image import imshow

from mmpose.core.evaluation import (aggregate_scale, aggregate_stage_flip,
                                    flip_feature_maps, get_group_preds)
from mmpose.core.post_processing import nearby_joints_nms
from import HeatmapOffsetParser
from mmpose.core.visualization import imshow_keypoints
from .. import builder
from ..builder import POSENETS
from ..utils import DekrRescoreNet
from .base import BasePose

    from mmcv.runner import auto_fp16
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('auto_fp16 from mmpose will be deprecated from v0.15.0'
                  'Please install mmcv>=1.1.4')
    from mmpose.core import auto_fp16

[docs]@POSENETS.register_module() class DisentangledKeypointRegressor(BasePose): """Disentangled keypoint regression pose detector. Args: backbone (dict): Backbone modules to extract feature. keypoint_head (dict): Keypoint head to process feature. train_cfg (dict): Config for training. Default: None. test_cfg (dict): Config for testing. Default: None. pretrained (str): Path to the pretrained models. """ def __init__(self, backbone, keypoint_head=None, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, pretrained=None): super().__init__() self.fp16_enabled = False self.backbone = builder.build_backbone(backbone) if keypoint_head is not None: self.keypoint_head = builder.build_head(keypoint_head) self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.use_udp = test_cfg.get('use_udp', False) self.parser = HeatmapOffsetParser(self.test_cfg) self.pretrained = pretrained rescore_cfg = test_cfg.get('rescore_cfg', None) if rescore_cfg is not None: self.rescore_net = DekrRescoreNet(**rescore_cfg) self.init_weights() @property def with_keypoint(self): """Check if has keypoint_head.""" return hasattr(self, 'keypoint_head')
[docs] def init_weights(self, pretrained=None): """Weight initialization for model.""" if pretrained is not None: self.pretrained = pretrained self.backbone.init_weights(self.pretrained) if self.with_keypoint: self.keypoint_head.init_weights() if hasattr(self, 'rescore_net'): self.rescore_net.init_weight()
[docs] @auto_fp16(apply_to=('img', )) def forward(self, img=None, heatmaps=None, masks=None, offsets=None, offset_weights=None, img_metas=None, return_loss=True, return_heatmap=False, **kwargs): """Calls either forward_train or forward_test depending on whether return_loss is True. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - num_img_channel: C - img_width: imgW - img_height: imgH - heatmaps weight: W - heatmaps height: H - max_num_people: M Args: img (torch.Tensor[N,C,imgH,imgW]): # input image. targets (list(torch.Tensor[N,K,H,W])): Multi-scale target heatmaps. masks (list(torch.Tensor[N,H,W])): Masks of multi-scale target heatmaps joints (list(torch.Tensor[N,M,K,2])): Joints of multi-scale target heatmaps for ae loss img_metas (dict): Information about val & test. By default it includes: - "image_file": image path - "aug_data": # input - "test_scale_factor": test scale factor - "base_size": base size of # input - "center": center of image - "scale": scale of image - "flip_index": flip index of keypoints return loss (bool): ``return_loss=True`` for training, ``return_loss=False`` for validation & test. return_heatmap (bool) : Option to return heatmap. Returns: dict|tuple: if 'return_loss' is true, then return losses. \ Otherwise, return predicted poses, scores, image \ paths and heatmaps. """ if return_loss: return self.forward_train(img, heatmaps, masks, offsets, offset_weights, img_metas, **kwargs) return self.forward_test( img, img_metas, return_heatmap=return_heatmap, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward_train(self, img, heatmaps, masks, offsets, offset_weights, img_metas, **kwargs): """Forward the bottom-up model and calculate the loss. Note: batch_size: N num_keypoints: K num_img_channel: C img_width: imgW img_height: imgH heatmaps weight: W heatmaps height: H max_num_people: M Args: img (torch.Tensor[N,C,imgH,imgW]): # input image. targets (List(torch.Tensor[N,K,H,W])): Multi-scale target heatmaps. masks (List(torch.Tensor[N,H,W])): Masks of multi-scale target heatmaps joints (List(torch.Tensor[N,M,K,2])): Joints of multi-scale target heatmaps for ae loss img_metas (dict):Information about val&test By default this includes: - "image_file": image path - "aug_data": # input - "test_scale_factor": test scale factor - "base_size": base size of # input - "center": center of image - "scale": scale of image - "flip_index": flip index of keypoints Returns: dict: The total loss for bottom-up """ output = self.backbone(img) if self.with_keypoint: output = self.keypoint_head(output) # if return loss losses = dict() if self.with_keypoint: keypoint_losses = self.keypoint_head.get_loss( output, heatmaps, masks, offsets, offset_weights, ) losses.update(keypoint_losses) return losses
[docs] def forward_dummy(self, img): """Used for computing network FLOPs. See ``tools/``. Args: img (torch.Tensor): # input image. Returns: Tensor: Outputs. """ output = self.backbone(img) if self.with_keypoint: output = self.keypoint_head(output) return output
[docs] def forward_test(self, img, img_metas, return_heatmap=False, **kwargs): """Inference the one-stage model. Note: - Batchsize: N (currently support batchsize = 1) - num_img_channel: C - img_width: imgW - img_height: imgH Args: flip_index (List(int)): aug_data (List(Tensor[NxCximgHximgW])): Multi-scale image num_joints (int): Number of joints of an instsance.\ test_scale_factor (List(float)): Multi-scale factor base_size (Tuple(int)): Base size of image when scale is 1 image_size (int): Short edge of images when scale is 1 heatmap_size (int): Short edge of outputs when scale is 1 center (np.ndarray): center of image scale (np.ndarray): the scale of image skeleton (List(List(int))): Links of joints """ assert img.size(0) == 1 assert len(img_metas) == 1 img_metas = img_metas[0] flip_index = img_metas['flip_index'] aug_data = img_metas['aug_data'] num_joints = img_metas['num_joints'] test_scale_factor = img_metas['test_scale_factor'] base_size = img_metas['base_size'] image_size = img_metas['image_size'] heatmap_size = img_metas['heatmap_size'][0] center = img_metas['center'] scale = img_metas['scale'] skeleton = img_metas['skeleton'] result = {} scale_heatmaps_list = [] scale_poses_dict = dict() for idx, s in enumerate(sorted(test_scale_factor, reverse=True)): image_resized = aug_data[idx].to(img.device) features = self.backbone(image_resized) if self.with_keypoint: outputs = self.keypoint_head(features) heatmaps, offsets = outputs[0] if self.test_cfg.get('flip_test', True): # use flip test image_flipped = torch.flip(image_resized, [3]) features_flipped = self.backbone(image_flipped) if self.with_keypoint: outputs_flipped = self.keypoint_head(features_flipped) heatmaps_flipped, offsets_flipped = outputs_flipped[0] # compute heatmaps for flipped input image center_heatmaps_flipped = flip_feature_maps( [heatmaps_flipped[:, :1]], None)[0] keypoint_heatmaps_flipped = flip_feature_maps( [heatmaps_flipped[:, 1:]], flip_index=flip_index)[0] heatmaps_flipped = [center_heatmaps_flipped, keypoint_heatmaps_flipped], dim=1) # compute offsets for flipped input image h, w = offsets_flipped.shape[2], offsets_flipped.shape[3] offsets_flipped = offsets_flipped.view(num_joints, 2, h, w) offsets_flipped = offsets_flipped.transpose(1, 0).contiguous() offsets_flipped[0] = -offsets_flipped[0] - 1 offsets_flipped = flip_feature_maps([offsets_flipped], flip_index=flip_index)[0] offsets_flipped = offsets_flipped.transpose(1, 0).reshape( 1, -1, h, w) heatmaps_flipped = [heatmaps_flipped] offsets_flipped = [offsets_flipped] else: heatmaps_flipped = None offsets_flipped = None # aggregate heatmaps and offsets aggregated_heatmaps = aggregate_stage_flip( [heatmaps], heatmaps_flipped, index=-1, project2image=self.test_cfg['project2image'], size_projected=base_size, align_corners=self.test_cfg.get('align_corners', True), aggregate_stage='average', aggregate_flip='average')[0] scale_heatmaps_list.append(aggregated_heatmaps) aggregated_offsets = aggregate_stage_flip( [offsets], offsets_flipped, index=-1, project2image=self.test_cfg['project2image'], size_projected=base_size, align_corners=self.test_cfg.get('align_corners', True), aggregate_stage='average', aggregate_flip='average')[0] poses = self.parser.decode(aggregated_heatmaps, aggregated_offsets) # rescale pose coordinates to a unified scale poses[..., :2] *= (image_size * 1.0 / heatmap_size) / s scale_poses_dict[s] = poses # aggregate multi-scale heatmaps aggregated_heatmaps = aggregate_scale( scale_heatmaps_list, align_corners=self.test_cfg.get('align_corners', True), aggregate_scale='average', size_projected=base_size) # rescale the score of instances inferred from difference scales max_score_ref = 1 if len(scale_poses_dict.get(1, [])) > 0: max_score_ref = scale_poses_dict[1][..., 2].max() for s, poses in scale_poses_dict.items(): if s != 1.0 and poses.shape[0]: rescale_factor = max_score_ref / poses[..., 2].max() poses[..., 2] *= rescale_factor * self.test_cfg.get( 'multi_scale_score_decrease', 1.0) poses = # refine keypoint scores using keypoint heatmaps poses = self.parser.refine_score(aggregated_heatmaps, poses) poses = poses.cpu().numpy() # nms if poses.shape[0] and self.test_cfg.get('use_nms', False): kpts_db = [] for i in range(len(poses)): kpts_db.append( dict(keypoints=poses[i, :, :2], score=poses[i, :, 3])) keep_pose_inds = nearby_joints_nms( kpts_db, self.test_cfg['nms_dist_thr'], self.test_cfg['nms_joints_thr'], score_per_joint=True, max_dets=self.test_cfg['max_num_people']) poses = poses[keep_pose_inds] scores = poses[..., 2].mean(axis=1) # recover the pose to match the size of original image preds = get_group_preds( poses[None], center, scale, base_size, use_udp=self.use_udp) image_paths = [] image_paths.append(img_metas['image_file']) if return_heatmap: output_heatmap = aggregated_heatmaps.detach().cpu().numpy() else: output_heatmap = None # rescore each instance with a pretrained rescore net if hasattr(self, 'rescore_net') and len(preds) > 0: re_scores = self.rescore_net(np.stack(preds, axis=0), skeleton) re_scores = re_scores.cpu().numpy() re_scores[np.isnan(re_scores)] = 0 scores *= re_scores result['preds'] = preds result['scores'] = scores result['image_paths'] = image_paths result['output_heatmap'] = output_heatmap return result
[docs] @deprecated_api_warning({'pose_limb_color': 'pose_link_color'}, cls_name='AssociativeEmbedding') def show_result(self, img, result, skeleton=None, kpt_score_thr=0.3, bbox_color=None, pose_kpt_color=None, pose_link_color=None, radius=4, thickness=1, font_scale=0.5, win_name='', show=False, show_keypoint_weight=False, wait_time=0, out_file=None): """Draw `result` over `img`. Args: img (str or Tensor): The image to be displayed. result (list[dict]): The results to draw over `img` (bbox_result, pose_result). skeleton (list[list]): The connection of keypoints. skeleton is 0-based indexing. kpt_score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of keypoints to be shown. Default: 0.3. pose_kpt_color (np.array[Nx3]`): Color of N keypoints. If None, do not draw keypoints. pose_link_color (np.array[Mx3]): Color of M links. If None, do not draw links. radius (int): Radius of circles. thickness (int): Thickness of lines. font_scale (float): Font scales of texts. win_name (str): The window name. show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: False. show_keypoint_weight (bool): Whether to change the transparency using the predicted confidence scores of keypoints. wait_time (int): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. out_file (str or None): The filename to write the image. Default: None. Returns: Tensor: Visualized image only if not `show` or `out_file` """ img = mmcv.imread(img) img = img.copy() img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape pose_result = [] for res in result: pose_result.append(res['keypoints']) imshow_keypoints(img, pose_result, skeleton, kpt_score_thr, pose_kpt_color, pose_link_color, radius, thickness) if show: imshow(img, win_name, wait_time) if out_file is not None: imwrite(img, out_file) return img
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