
Source code for mmpose.visualization.local_visualizer

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import math
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import cv2
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.dist import master_only
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData, PixelData
from mmengine.visualization import Visualizer

from mmpose.registry import VISUALIZERS
from mmpose.structures import PoseDataSample
from .simcc_vis import SimCCVisualizer

def _get_adaptive_scales(areas: np.ndarray,
                         min_area: int = 800,
                         max_area: int = 30000) -> np.ndarray:
    """Get adaptive scales according to areas.

    The scale range is [0.5, 1.0]. When the area is less than
    ``min_area``, the scale is 0.5 while the area is larger than
    ``max_area``, the scale is 1.0.

        areas (ndarray): The areas of bboxes or masks with the
            shape of (n, ).
        min_area (int): Lower bound areas for adaptive scales.
            Defaults to 800.
        max_area (int): Upper bound areas for adaptive scales.
            Defaults to 30000.

        ndarray: The adaotive scales with the shape of (n, ).
    scales = 0.5 + (areas - min_area) / (max_area - min_area)
    scales = np.clip(scales, 0.5, 1.0)
    return scales

[docs]@VISUALIZERS.register_module() class PoseLocalVisualizer(Visualizer): """MMPose Local Visualizer. Args: name (str): Name of the instance. Defaults to 'visualizer'. image (np.ndarray, optional): the origin image to draw. The format should be RGB. Defaults to ``None`` vis_backends (list, optional): Visual backend config list. Defaults to ``None`` save_dir (str, optional): Save file dir for all storage backends. If it is ``None``, the backend storage will not save any data. Defaults to ``None`` bbox_color (str, tuple(int), optional): Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Defaults to ``'green'`` kpt_color (str, tuple(tuple(int)), optional): Color of keypoints. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Defaults to ``'red'`` link_color (str, tuple(tuple(int)), optional): Color of skeleton. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Defaults to ``None`` line_width (int, float): The width of lines. Defaults to 1 radius (int, float): The radius of keypoints. Defaults to 4 show_keypoint_weight (bool): Whether to adjust the transparency of keypoints according to their score. Defaults to ``False`` alpha (int, float): The transparency of bboxes. Defaults to ``0.8`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mmengine.structures import InstanceData >>> from mmpose.structures import PoseDataSample >>> from mmpose.visualization import PoseLocalVisualizer >>> pose_local_visualizer = PoseLocalVisualizer(radius=1) >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, ... size=(10, 12, 3)).astype('uint8') >>> gt_instances = InstanceData() >>> gt_instances.keypoints = np.array([[[1, 1], [2, 2], [4, 4], ... [8, 8]]]) >>> gt_pose_data_sample = PoseDataSample() >>> gt_pose_data_sample.gt_instances = gt_instances >>> dataset_meta = {'skeleton_links': [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]} >>> pose_local_visualizer.set_dataset_meta(dataset_meta) >>> pose_local_visualizer.add_datasample('image', image, ... gt_pose_data_sample) >>> pose_local_visualizer.add_datasample( ... 'image', image, gt_pose_data_sample, ... out_file='out_file.jpg') >>> pose_local_visualizer.add_datasample( ... 'image', image, gt_pose_data_sample, ... show=True) >>> pred_instances = InstanceData() >>> pred_instances.keypoints = np.array([[[1, 1], [2, 2], [4, 4], ... [8, 8]]]) >>> pred_instances.score = np.array([0.8, 1, 0.9, 1]) >>> pred_pose_data_sample = PoseDataSample() >>> pred_pose_data_sample.pred_instances = pred_instances >>> pose_local_visualizer.add_datasample('image', image, ... gt_pose_data_sample, ... pred_pose_data_sample) """ def __init__(self, name: str = 'visualizer', image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, vis_backends: Optional[Dict] = None, save_dir: Optional[str] = None, bbox_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[int]]] = 'green', kpt_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[int]]]] = 'red', link_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[Tuple[int]]]] = None, text_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[int]]] = (255, 255, 255), skeleton: Optional[Union[List, Tuple]] = None, line_width: Union[int, float] = 1, radius: Union[int, float] = 3, show_keypoint_weight: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.8): super().__init__(name, image, vis_backends, save_dir) self.bbox_color = bbox_color self.kpt_color = kpt_color self.link_color = link_color self.line_width = line_width self.text_color = text_color self.skeleton = skeleton self.radius = radius self.alpha = alpha self.show_keypoint_weight = show_keypoint_weight # Set default value. When calling # `PoseLocalVisualizer().set_dataset_meta(xxx)`, # it will override the default value. self.dataset_meta = {}
[docs] def set_dataset_meta(self, dataset_meta: Dict): """Assign dataset_meta to the visualizer. The default visualization settings will be overridden. Args: dataset_meta (dict): meta information of dataset. """ if isinstance(dataset_meta, dict): self.dataset_meta = dataset_meta.copy() self.bbox_color = dataset_meta.get('bbox_color', self.bbox_color) self.kpt_color = dataset_meta.get('keypoint_colors', self.kpt_color) self.link_color = dataset_meta.get('skeleton_link_colors', self.link_color) self.skeleton = dataset_meta.get('skeleton_links', self.skeleton) # sometimes self.dataset_meta is manually set, which might be None. # it should be converted to a dict at these times if self.dataset_meta is None: self.dataset_meta = {}
def _draw_instances_bbox(self, image: np.ndarray, instances: InstanceData) -> np.ndarray: """Draw bounding boxes and corresponding labels of GT or prediction. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. instances (:obj:`InstanceData`): Data structure for instance-level annotations or predictions. Returns: np.ndarray: the drawn image which channel is RGB. """ self.set_image(image) if 'bboxes' in instances: bboxes = instances.bboxes self.draw_bboxes( bboxes, edge_colors=self.bbox_color, alpha=self.alpha, line_widths=self.line_width) else: return self.get_image() if 'labels' in instances and self.text_color is not None: classes = self.dataset_meta.get('classes', None) labels = instances.labels positions = bboxes[:, :2] areas = (bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1]) * ( bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0]) scales = _get_adaptive_scales(areas) for i, (pos, label) in enumerate(zip(positions, labels)): label_text = classes[ label] if classes is not None else f'class {label}' if isinstance(self.bbox_color, tuple) and max(self.bbox_color) > 1: facecolor = [c / 255.0 for c in self.bbox_color] else: facecolor = self.bbox_color self.draw_texts( label_text, pos, colors=self.text_color, font_sizes=int(13 * scales[i]), vertical_alignments='bottom', bboxes=[{ 'facecolor': facecolor, 'alpha': 0.8, 'pad': 0.7, 'edgecolor': 'none' }]) return self.get_image() def _draw_instances_kpts(self, image: np.ndarray, instances: InstanceData, kpt_score_thr: float = 0.3, show_kpt_idx: bool = False): """Draw keypoints and skeletons (optional) of GT or prediction. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. instances (:obj:`InstanceData`): Data structure for instance-level annotations or predictions. kpt_score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of keypoints to be shown. Default: 0.3. Returns: np.ndarray: the drawn image which channel is RGB. """ self.set_image(image) img_h, img_w, _ = image.shape if 'keypoints' in instances: keypoints = instances.get('transformed_keypoints', instances.keypoints) if 'keypoint_scores' in instances: scores = instances.keypoint_scores else: scores = [np.ones(len(kpts)) for kpts in keypoints] if 'keypoints_visible' in instances: keypoints_visible = instances.keypoints_visible else: keypoints_visible = [np.ones(len(kpts)) for kpts in keypoints] for kpts, score, visible in zip(keypoints, scores, keypoints_visible): kpts = np.array(kpts, copy=False) if self.kpt_color is None or isinstance(self.kpt_color, str): kpt_color = [self.kpt_color] * len(kpts) elif len(self.kpt_color) == len(kpts): kpt_color = self.kpt_color else: raise ValueError( f'the length of kpt_color ' f'({len(self.kpt_color)}) does not matches ' f'that of keypoints ({len(kpts)})') # draw each point on image for kid, kpt in enumerate(kpts): if score[kid] < kpt_score_thr or not visible[ kid] or kpt_color[kid] is None: # skip the point that should not be drawn continue color = kpt_color[kid] if not isinstance(color, str): color = tuple(int(c) for c in color) transparency = self.alpha if self.show_keypoint_weight: transparency *= max(0, min(1, score[kid])) self.draw_circles( kpt, radius=np.array([self.radius]), face_colors=color, edge_colors=color, alpha=transparency, line_widths=self.radius) if show_kpt_idx: self.draw_texts( str(kid), kpt, colors=color, font_sizes=self.radius * 3, vertical_alignments='bottom', horizontal_alignments='center') # draw links if self.skeleton is not None and self.link_color is not None: if self.link_color is None or isinstance( self.link_color, str): link_color = [self.link_color] * len(self.skeleton) elif len(self.link_color) == len(self.skeleton): link_color = self.link_color else: raise ValueError( f'the length of link_color ' f'({len(self.link_color)}) does not matches ' f'that of skeleton ({len(self.skeleton)})') for sk_id, sk in enumerate(self.skeleton): pos1 = (int(kpts[sk[0], 0]), int(kpts[sk[0], 1])) pos2 = (int(kpts[sk[1], 0]), int(kpts[sk[1], 1])) if not (visible[sk[0]] and visible[sk[1]]): continue if (pos1[0] <= 0 or pos1[0] >= img_w or pos1[1] <= 0 or pos1[1] >= img_h or pos2[0] <= 0 or pos2[0] >= img_w or pos2[1] <= 0 or pos2[1] >= img_h or score[sk[0]] < kpt_score_thr or score[sk[1]] < kpt_score_thr or link_color[sk_id] is None): # skip the link that should not be drawn continue X = np.array((pos1[0], pos2[0])) Y = np.array((pos1[1], pos2[1])) color = link_color[sk_id] if not isinstance(color, str): color = tuple(int(c) for c in color) if self.show_keypoint_weight: mX = np.mean(X) mY = np.mean(Y) length = ((Y[0] - Y[1])**2 + (X[0] - X[1])**2)**0.5 angle = math.degrees( math.atan2(Y[0] - Y[1], X[0] - X[1])) stickwidth = 2 polygons = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(mX), int(mY)), (int(length / 2), int(stickwidth)), int(angle), 0, 360, 1) transparency = self.alpha transparency *= max( 0, min(1, 0.5 * (score[sk[0]] + score[sk[1]]))) self.draw_polygons( polygons, edge_colors=color, face_colors=color, alpha=transparency) else: self.draw_lines( X, Y, color, line_widths=self.line_width) return self.get_image() def _draw_instance_heatmap( self, fields: PixelData, overlaid_image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): """Draw heatmaps of GT or prediction. Args: fields (:obj:`PixelData`): Data structure for pixel-level annotations or predictions. overlaid_image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. Returns: np.ndarray: the drawn image which channel is RGB. """ if 'heatmaps' not in fields: return None heatmaps = fields.heatmaps if isinstance(heatmaps, np.ndarray): heatmaps = torch.from_numpy(heatmaps) if heatmaps.dim() == 3: heatmaps, _ = heatmaps.max(dim=0) heatmaps = heatmaps.unsqueeze(0) out_image = self.draw_featmap(heatmaps, overlaid_image) return out_image def _draw_instance_xy_heatmap( self, fields: PixelData, overlaid_image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, n: int = 20, ): """Draw heatmaps of GT or prediction. Args: fields (:obj:`PixelData`): Data structure for pixel-level annotations or predictions. overlaid_image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. n (int): Number of keypoint, up to 20. Returns: np.ndarray: the drawn image which channel is RGB. """ if 'heatmaps' not in fields: return None heatmaps = fields.heatmaps _, h, w = heatmaps.shape if isinstance(heatmaps, np.ndarray): heatmaps = torch.from_numpy(heatmaps) out_image = SimCCVisualizer().draw_instance_xy_heatmap( heatmaps, overlaid_image, n) out_image = cv2.resize(out_image[:, :, ::-1], (w, h)) return out_image
[docs] @master_only def add_datasample(self, name: str, image: np.ndarray, data_sample: PoseDataSample, draw_gt: bool = True, draw_pred: bool = True, draw_heatmap: bool = False, draw_bbox: bool = False, show_kpt_idx: bool = False, show: bool = False, wait_time: float = 0, out_file: Optional[str] = None, kpt_score_thr: float = 0.3, step: int = 0) -> None: """Draw datasample and save to all backends. - If GT and prediction are plotted at the same time, they are displayed in a stitched image where the left image is the ground truth and the right image is the prediction. - If ``show`` is True, all storage backends are ignored, and the images will be displayed in a local window. - If ``out_file`` is specified, the drawn image will be saved to ``out_file``. t is usually used when the display is not available. Args: name (str): The image identifier image (np.ndarray): The image to draw data_sample (:obj:`PoseDataSample`, optional): The data sample to visualize draw_gt (bool): Whether to draw GT PoseDataSample. Default to ``True`` draw_pred (bool): Whether to draw Prediction PoseDataSample. Defaults to ``True`` draw_bbox (bool): Whether to draw bounding boxes. Default to ``False`` draw_heatmap (bool): Whether to draw heatmaps. Defaults to ``False`` show (bool): Whether to display the drawn image. Default to ``False`` wait_time (float): The interval of show (s). Defaults to 0 out_file (str): Path to output file. Defaults to ``None`` pred_score_thr (float): The threshold to visualize the bboxes and masks. Defaults to 0.3 step (int): Global step value to record. Defaults to 0 """ gt_img_data = None pred_img_data = None if draw_gt: gt_img_data = image.copy() gt_img_heatmap = None # draw bboxes & keypoints if 'gt_instances' in data_sample: gt_img_data = self._draw_instances_kpts( gt_img_data, data_sample.gt_instances, kpt_score_thr, show_kpt_idx) if draw_bbox: gt_img_data = self._draw_instances_bbox( gt_img_data, data_sample.gt_instances) # draw heatmaps if 'gt_fields' in data_sample and draw_heatmap: gt_img_heatmap = self._draw_instance_heatmap( data_sample.gt_fields, image) if gt_img_heatmap is not None: gt_img_data = np.concatenate((gt_img_data, gt_img_heatmap), axis=0) if draw_pred: pred_img_data = image.copy() pred_img_heatmap = None # draw bboxes & keypoints if 'pred_instances' in data_sample: pred_img_data = self._draw_instances_kpts( pred_img_data, data_sample.pred_instances, kpt_score_thr, show_kpt_idx) if draw_bbox: pred_img_data = self._draw_instances_bbox( pred_img_data, data_sample.pred_instances) # draw heatmaps if 'pred_fields' in data_sample and draw_heatmap: if 'keypoint_x_labels' in data_sample.pred_instances: pred_img_heatmap = self._draw_instance_xy_heatmap( data_sample.pred_fields, image) else: pred_img_heatmap = self._draw_instance_heatmap( data_sample.pred_fields, image) if pred_img_heatmap is not None: pred_img_data = np.concatenate( (pred_img_data, pred_img_heatmap), axis=0) # merge visualization results if gt_img_data is not None and pred_img_data is not None: if gt_img_heatmap is None and pred_img_heatmap is not None: gt_img_data = np.concatenate((gt_img_data, image), axis=0) elif gt_img_heatmap is not None and pred_img_heatmap is None: pred_img_data = np.concatenate((pred_img_data, image), axis=0) drawn_img = np.concatenate((gt_img_data, pred_img_data), axis=1) elif gt_img_data is not None: drawn_img = gt_img_data else: drawn_img = pred_img_data # It is convenient for users to obtain the drawn image. # For example, the user wants to obtain the drawn image and # save it as a video during video inference. self.set_image(drawn_img) if show:, win_name=name, wait_time=wait_time) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(drawn_img[..., ::-1], out_file) else: # save drawn_img to backends self.add_image(name, drawn_img, step) return self.get_image()
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