
Advanced Training

Resume Training

Resume training means to continue training from the state saved from one of the previous trainings, where the state includes the model weights, the state of the optimizer and the optimizer parameter adjustment strategy.

Automatically resume training

Users can add --resume to the end of the training command to resume training. The program will automatically load the latest weight file from work_dirs to resume training. If there is a latest checkpoint in work_dirs (e.g. the training was interrupted during the previous training), the training will be resumed from the checkpoint. Otherwise (e.g. the previous training did not save checkpoint in time or a new training task was started), the training will be restarted.

Here is an example of resuming training:

python tools/ configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/ --resume

Specify the checkpoint to resume training

You can also specify the checkpoint path for --resume. MMPose will automatically read the checkpoint and resume training from it. The command is as follows:

python tools/ configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/ \
    --resume work_dirs/td-hm_res50_8xb64-210e_coco-256x192/latest.pth

If you hope to manually specify the checkpoint path in the config file, in addition to setting resume=True, you also need to set the load_from.

It should be noted that if only load_from is set without setting resume=True, only the weights in the checkpoint will be loaded and the training will be restarted from scratch, instead of continuing from the previous state.

The following example is equivalent to the example above that specifies the --resume parameter:

resume = True
load_from = 'work_dirs/td-hm_res50_8xb64-210e_coco-256x192/latest.pth'
# model settings
model = dict(
    ## omitted ##

Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) Training

Mixed precision training can reduce training time and storage requirements without changing the model or reducing the model training accuracy, thus supporting larger batch sizes, larger models, and larger input sizes.

To enable Automatic Mixing Precision (AMP) training, add --amp to the end of the training command, which is as follows:

python tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} --amp

Specific examples are as follows:

python tools/ configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/  --amp

Set the random seed

If you want to specify the random seed during training, you can use the following command:

python ./tools/ \
    ${CONFIG} \                               # config file
    --cfg-options randomness.seed=2023 \      # set the random seed = 2023
    [randomness.diff_rank_seed=True] \        # Set different seeds according to rank.
    [randomness.deterministic=True]           # Set the cuDNN backend deterministic option to True
# `[]` stands for optional parameters, when actually entering the command line, you do not need to enter `[]`

randomness has three parameters that can be set, with the following meanings.

  • randomness.seed=2023, set the random seed to 2023.

  • randomness.diff_rank_seed=True, set different seeds according to global rank. Defaults to False.

  • randomness.deterministic=True, set the deterministic option for cuDNN backend, i.e., set torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic to True and torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark to False. Defaults to False. See Pytorch Randomness for more details.

Use Tensorboard to Visualize Training

Install Tensorboard environment

pip install tensorboard

Enable Tensorboard in the config file

visualizer = dict(vis_backends=[dict(type='LocalVisBackend'),dict(type='TensorboardVisBackend')])

After training, you can use the following command to visualize the training process.

tensorboard --logdir work_dir/${CONFIG}/${TIMESTAMP}/vis_data
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