
Source code for mmpose.models.heads.hybrid_heads.dekr_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
from mmcv.cnn import (ConvModule, build_activation_layer, build_conv_layer,
from mmengine.model import BaseModule, ModuleDict, Sequential
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData, PixelData
from torch import Tensor

from mmpose.evaluation.functional.nms import nearby_joints_nms
from mmpose.models.utils.tta import flip_heatmaps
from mmpose.registry import KEYPOINT_CODECS, MODELS
from mmpose.utils.tensor_utils import to_numpy
from mmpose.utils.typing import (ConfigType, Features, InstanceList,
                                 OptConfigType, OptSampleList, Predictions)
from ...backbones.resnet import BasicBlock
from ..base_head import BaseHead

    from mmcv.ops import DeformConv2d
    has_mmcv_full = True
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    has_mmcv_full = False

class AdaptiveActivationBlock(BaseModule):
    """Adaptive activation convolution block. "Bottom-up human pose estimation
    via disentangled keypoint regression", CVPR'2021.

        in_channels (int): Number of input channels
        out_channels (int): Number of output channels
        groups (int): Number of groups. Generally equal to the
            number of joints.
        norm_cfg (dict): Config for normalization layers.
        act_cfg (dict): Config for activation layers.

    def __init__(self,
        super(AdaptiveActivationBlock, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg)

        assert in_channels % groups == 0 and out_channels % groups == 0
        self.groups = groups

        regular_matrix = torch.tensor([[-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
                                       [-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1],
                                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
        self.register_buffer('regular_matrix', regular_matrix.float())

        self.transform_matrix_conv = build_conv_layer(
            out_channels=6 * groups,

        if has_mmcv_full:
            self.adapt_conv = DeformConv2d(
            raise ImportError('Please install the full version of mmcv '
                              'to use `DeformConv2d`.')

        self.norm = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, out_channels)[1]
        self.act = build_activation_layer(act_cfg)

    def forward(self, x):
        B, _, H, W = x.size()
        residual = x

        affine_matrix = self.transform_matrix_conv(x)
        affine_matrix = affine_matrix.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
        affine_matrix = affine_matrix.view(B, H, W, self.groups, 2, 3)
        offset = torch.matmul(affine_matrix, self.regular_matrix)
        offset = offset.transpose(4, 5).reshape(B, H, W, self.groups * 18)
        offset = offset.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()

        x = self.adapt_conv(x, offset)
        x = self.norm(x)
        x = self.act(x + residual)

        return x

class RescoreNet(BaseModule):
    """Rescore net used to predict the OKS score of predicted pose. We use the
    off-the-shelf rescore net pretrained by authors of DEKR.

        in_channels (int): Input channels
        norm_indexes (Tuple(int)): Indices of torso in skeleton
        init_cfg (dict, optional): Initialization config dict

    def __init__(
        super(RescoreNet, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg)

        self.norm_indexes = norm_indexes

        hidden = 256

        self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(in_channels, hidden, bias=True)
        self.l2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden, hidden, bias=True)
        self.l3 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden, 1, bias=True)
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()

    def make_feature(self, keypoints, keypoint_scores, skeleton):
        """Combine original scores, joint distance and relative distance to
        make feature.

            keypoints (torch.Tensor): predicetd keypoints
            keypoint_scores (torch.Tensor): predicetd keypoint scores
            skeleton (list(list(int))): joint links

            torch.Tensor: feature for each instance
        joint_1, joint_2 = zip(*skeleton)
        num_link = len(skeleton)

        joint_relate = (keypoints[:, joint_1] -
                        keypoints[:, joint_2])[:, :, :2]
        joint_length = joint_relate.norm(dim=2)

        # To use the torso distance to normalize
        normalize = (joint_length[:, self.norm_indexes[0]] +
                     joint_length[:, self.norm_indexes[1]]) / 2
        normalize = normalize.unsqueeze(1).expand(normalize.size(0), num_link)
        normalize = normalize.clamp(min=1).contiguous()

        joint_length = joint_length / normalize[:, :]
        joint_relate = joint_relate / normalize.unsqueeze(-1)
        joint_relate = joint_relate.flatten(1)

        feature =, joint_length, keypoint_scores),
        return feature

    def forward(self, keypoints, keypoint_scores, skeleton):
        feature = self.make_feature(keypoints, keypoint_scores, skeleton)
        x = self.relu(self.l1(feature))
        x = self.relu(self.l2(x))
        x = self.l3(x)
        return x.squeeze(1)

[docs]@MODELS.register_module() class DEKRHead(BaseHead): """DisEntangled Keypoint Regression head introduced in `Bottom-up human pose estimation via disentangled keypoint regression`_ by Geng et al (2021). The head is composed of a heatmap branch and a displacement branch. Args: in_channels (int | Sequence[int]): Number of channels in the input feature map num_joints (int): Number of joints num_heatmap_filters (int): Number of filters for heatmap branch. Defaults to 32 num_offset_filters_per_joint (int): Number of filters for each joint in displacement branch. Defaults to 15 input_transform (str): Transformation of input features which should be one of the following options: - ``'resize_concat'``: Resize multiple feature maps specified by ``input_index`` to the same size as the first one and concat these feature maps - ``'select'``: Select feature map(s) specified by ``input_index``. Multiple selected features will be bundled into a tuple Defaults to ``'select'`` input_index (int | Sequence[int]): The feature map index used in the input transformation. See also ``input_transform``. Defaults to -1 align_corners (bool): `align_corners` argument of :func:`torch.nn.functional.interpolate` used in the input transformation. Defaults to ``False`` heatmap_loss (Config): Config of the heatmap loss. Defaults to use :class:`KeypointMSELoss` displacement_loss (Config): Config of the displacement regression loss. Defaults to use :class:`SoftWeightSmoothL1Loss` decoder (Config, optional): The decoder config that controls decoding keypoint coordinates from the network output. Defaults to ``None`` rescore_cfg (Config, optional): The config for rescore net which estimates OKS via predicted keypoints and keypoint scores. Defaults to ``None`` init_cfg (Config, optional): Config to control the initialization. See :attr:`default_init_cfg` for default settings .. _`Bottom-up human pose estimation via disentangled keypoint regression`: """ _version = 2 def __init__(self, in_channels: Union[int, Sequence[int]], num_keypoints: int, num_heatmap_filters: int = 32, num_displacement_filters_per_keypoint: int = 15, input_transform: str = 'select', input_index: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = -1, align_corners: bool = False, heatmap_loss: ConfigType = dict( type='KeypointMSELoss', use_target_weight=True), displacement_loss: ConfigType = dict( type='SoftWeightSmoothL1Loss', use_target_weight=True, supervise_empty=False), decoder: OptConfigType = None, rescore_cfg: OptConfigType = None, init_cfg: OptConfigType = None): if init_cfg is None: init_cfg = self.default_init_cfg super().__init__(init_cfg) self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_keypoints = num_keypoints self.input_transform = input_transform self.input_index = input_index self.align_corners = align_corners in_channels = self._get_in_channels() # build heatmap branch self.heatmap_conv_layers = self._make_heatmap_conv_layers( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=1 + num_keypoints, num_filters=num_heatmap_filters, ) # build displacement branch self.displacement_conv_layers = self._make_displacement_conv_layers( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=2 * num_keypoints, num_filters=num_keypoints * num_displacement_filters_per_keypoint, groups=num_keypoints) # build losses self.loss_module = ModuleDict( dict(,, )) # build decoder if decoder is not None: self.decoder = else: self.decoder = None # build rescore net if rescore_cfg is not None: self.rescore_net = RescoreNet(**rescore_cfg) else: self.rescore_net = None # Register the hook to automatically convert old version state dicts self._register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(self._load_state_dict_pre_hook) @property def default_init_cfg(self): init_cfg = [ dict( type='Normal', layer=['Conv2d', 'ConvTranspose2d'], std=0.001), dict(type='Constant', layer='BatchNorm2d', val=1) ] return init_cfg def _make_heatmap_conv_layers(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, num_filters: int): """Create convolutional layers of heatmap branch by given parameters.""" layers = [ ConvModule( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=num_filters, kernel_size=1, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN')), BasicBlock(num_filters, num_filters), build_conv_layer( dict(type='Conv2d'), in_channels=num_filters, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1), ] return Sequential(*layers) def _make_displacement_conv_layers(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, num_filters: int, groups: int): """Create convolutional layers of displacement branch by given parameters.""" layers = [ ConvModule( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=num_filters, kernel_size=1, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN')), AdaptiveActivationBlock(num_filters, num_filters, groups=groups), AdaptiveActivationBlock(num_filters, num_filters, groups=groups), build_conv_layer( dict(type='Conv2d'), in_channels=num_filters, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1, groups=groups) ] return Sequential(*layers)
[docs] def forward(self, feats: Tuple[Tensor]) -> Tensor: """Forward the network. The input is multi scale feature maps and the output is a tuple of heatmap and displacement. Args: feats (Tuple[Tensor]): Multi scale feature maps. Returns: Tuple[Tensor]: output heatmap and displacement. """ x = self._transform_inputs(feats) heatmaps = self.heatmap_conv_layers(x) displacements = self.displacement_conv_layers(x) return heatmaps, displacements
[docs] def loss(self, feats: Tuple[Tensor], batch_data_samples: OptSampleList, train_cfg: ConfigType = {}) -> dict: """Calculate losses from a batch of inputs and data samples. Args: feats (Tuple[Tensor]): The multi-stage features batch_data_samples (List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]): The batch data samples train_cfg (dict): The runtime config for training process. Defaults to {} Returns: dict: A dictionary of losses. """ pred_heatmaps, pred_displacements = self.forward(feats) gt_heatmaps = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.heatmaps for d in batch_data_samples]) heatmap_weights = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.heatmap_weights for d in batch_data_samples]) gt_displacements = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.displacements for d in batch_data_samples]) displacement_weights = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.displacement_weights for d in batch_data_samples]) if 'heatmap_mask' in batch_data_samples[0].gt_fields.keys(): heatmap_mask = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.heatmap_mask for d in batch_data_samples]) else: heatmap_mask = None # calculate losses losses = dict() heatmap_loss = self.loss_module['heatmap'](pred_heatmaps, gt_heatmaps, heatmap_weights, heatmap_mask) displacement_loss = self.loss_module['displacement']( pred_displacements, gt_displacements, displacement_weights) losses.update({ 'loss/heatmap': heatmap_loss, 'loss/displacement': displacement_loss, }) return losses
[docs] def predict(self, feats: Features, batch_data_samples: OptSampleList, test_cfg: ConfigType = {}) -> Predictions: """Predict results from features. Args: feats (Tuple[Tensor] | List[Tuple[Tensor]]): The multi-stage features (or multiple multi-scale features in TTA) batch_data_samples (List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]): The batch data samples test_cfg (dict): The runtime config for testing process. Defaults to {} Returns: Union[InstanceList | Tuple[InstanceList | PixelDataList]]: If ``test_cfg['output_heatmap']==True``, return both pose and heatmap prediction; otherwise only return the pose prediction. The pose prediction is a list of ``InstanceData``, each contains the following fields: - keypoints (np.ndarray): predicted keypoint coordinates in shape (num_instances, K, D) where K is the keypoint number and D is the keypoint dimension - keypoint_scores (np.ndarray): predicted keypoint scores in shape (num_instances, K) The heatmap prediction is a list of ``PixelData``, each contains the following fields: - heatmaps (Tensor): The predicted heatmaps in shape (1, h, w) or (K+1, h, w) if keypoint heatmaps are predicted - displacements (Tensor): The predicted displacement fields in shape (K*2, h, w) """ assert len(batch_data_samples) == 1, f'DEKRHead only supports ' \ f'prediction with batch_size 1, but got {len(batch_data_samples)}' multiscale_test = test_cfg.get('multiscale_test', False) flip_test = test_cfg.get('flip_test', False) metainfo = batch_data_samples[0].metainfo aug_scales = [1] if not multiscale_test: feats = [feats] else: aug_scales = aug_scales + metainfo['aug_scales'] heatmaps, displacements = [], [] for feat, s in zip(feats, aug_scales): if flip_test: assert isinstance(feat, list) and len(feat) == 2 flip_indices = metainfo['flip_indices'] _feat, _feat_flip = feat _heatmaps, _displacements = self.forward(_feat) _heatmaps_flip, _displacements_flip = self.forward(_feat_flip) _heatmaps_flip = flip_heatmaps( _heatmaps_flip, flip_mode='heatmap', flip_indices=flip_indices + [len(flip_indices)], shift_heatmap=test_cfg.get('shift_heatmap', False)) _heatmaps = (_heatmaps + _heatmaps_flip) / 2.0 _displacements_flip = flip_heatmaps( _displacements_flip, flip_mode='offset', flip_indices=flip_indices, shift_heatmap=False) # this is a coordinate amendment. x_scale_factor = s * ( metainfo['input_size'][0] / _heatmaps.shape[-1]) _displacements_flip[:, ::2] += (x_scale_factor - 1) / ( x_scale_factor) _displacements = (_displacements + _displacements_flip) / 2.0 else: _heatmaps, _displacements = self.forward(feat) heatmaps.append(_heatmaps) displacements.append(_displacements) preds = self.decode(heatmaps, displacements, test_cfg, metainfo) if test_cfg.get('output_heatmaps', False): heatmaps = [hm.detach() for hm in heatmaps] displacements = [dm.detach() for dm in displacements] B = heatmaps[0].shape[0] pred_fields = [] for i in range(B): pred_fields.append( PixelData( heatmaps=heatmaps[0][i], displacements=displacements[0][i])) return preds, pred_fields else: return preds
[docs] def decode(self, heatmaps: Tuple[Tensor], displacements: Tuple[Tensor], test_cfg: ConfigType = {}, metainfo: dict = {}) -> InstanceList: """Decode keypoints from outputs. Args: heatmaps (Tuple[Tensor]): The output heatmaps inferred from one image or multi-scale images. displacements (Tuple[Tensor]): The output displacement fields inferred from one image or multi-scale images. test_cfg (dict): The runtime config for testing process. Defaults to {} metainfo (dict): The metainfo of test dataset. Defaults to {} Returns: List[InstanceData]: A list of InstanceData, each contains the decoded pose information of the instances of one data sample. """ if self.decoder is None: raise RuntimeError( f'The decoder has not been set in {self.__class__.__name__}. ' 'Please set the decoder configs in the init parameters to ' 'enable head methods `head.predict()` and `head.decode()`') multiscale_test = test_cfg.get('multiscale_test', False) skeleton = metainfo.get('skeleton_links', None) preds = [] batch_size = heatmaps[0].shape[0] for b in range(batch_size): if multiscale_test: raise NotImplementedError else: keypoints, (root_scores, keypoint_scores) = self.decoder.decode( heatmaps[0][b], displacements[0][b]) # rescore each instance if self.rescore_net is not None and skeleton and len( keypoints) > 0: instance_scores = self.rescore_net(keypoints, keypoint_scores, skeleton) instance_scores[torch.isnan(instance_scores)] = 0 root_scores = root_scores * instance_scores # nms keypoints, keypoint_scores = to_numpy((keypoints, keypoint_scores)) scores = to_numpy(root_scores)[..., None] * keypoint_scores if len(keypoints) > 0 and test_cfg.get('nms_dist_thr', 0) > 0: kpts_db = [] for i in range(len(keypoints)): kpts_db.append( dict(keypoints=keypoints[i], score=keypoint_scores[i])) keep_instance_inds = nearby_joints_nms( kpts_db, test_cfg['nms_dist_thr'], test_cfg.get('nms_joints_thr', None), score_per_joint=True, max_dets=test_cfg.get('max_num_people', 30)) keypoints = keypoints[keep_instance_inds] scores = scores[keep_instance_inds] # pack outputs preds.append( InstanceData(keypoints=keypoints, keypoint_scores=scores)) return preds
def _load_state_dict_pre_hook(self, state_dict, prefix, local_meta, *args, **kwargs): """A hook function to convert old-version state dict of :class:`DEKRHead` (before MMPose v1.0.0) to a compatible format of :class:`DEKRHead`. The hook will be automatically registered during initialization. """ version = local_meta.get('version', None) if version and version >= self._version: return # convert old-version state dict keys = list(state_dict.keys()) for k in keys: if 'offset_conv_layer' in k: v = state_dict.pop(k) k = k.replace('offset_conv_layers', 'displacement_conv_layers') if 'displacement_conv_layers.3.' in k: # the source and target of displacement vectors are # opposite between two versions. v = -v state_dict[k] = v if 'heatmap_conv_layers.2' in k: # root heatmap is at the first/last channel of the # heatmap tensor in MMPose v0.x/1.x, respectively. v = state_dict.pop(k) state_dict[k] =[1:], v[:1])) if 'rescore_net' in k: v = state_dict.pop(k) k = k.replace('rescore_net', 'head.rescore_net') state_dict[k] = v
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