
Source code for mmpose.models.heads.heatmap_heads.ae_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
from mmengine.structures import PixelData
from mmengine.utils import is_list_of
from torch import Tensor

from mmpose.models.utils.tta import aggregate_heatmaps, flip_heatmaps
from mmpose.registry import MODELS
from mmpose.utils.typing import (ConfigType, Features, OptConfigType,
                                 OptSampleList, Predictions)
from .heatmap_head import HeatmapHead

OptIntSeq = Optional[Sequence[int]]

[docs]@MODELS.register_module() class AssociativeEmbeddingHead(HeatmapHead): def __init__(self, in_channels: Union[int, Sequence[int]], num_keypoints: int, tag_dim: int = 1, tag_per_keypoint: bool = True, deconv_out_channels: OptIntSeq = (256, 256, 256), deconv_kernel_sizes: OptIntSeq = (4, 4, 4), conv_out_channels: OptIntSeq = None, conv_kernel_sizes: OptIntSeq = None, has_final_layer: bool = True, input_transform: str = 'select', input_index: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = -1, align_corners: bool = False, keypoint_loss: ConfigType = dict(type='KeypointMSELoss'), tag_loss: ConfigType = dict(type='AssociativeEmbeddingLoss'), decoder: OptConfigType = None, init_cfg: OptConfigType = None): if tag_per_keypoint: out_channels = num_keypoints * (1 + tag_dim) else: out_channels = num_keypoints + tag_dim loss = dict( type='CombinedLoss', losses=dict(keypoint_loss=keypoint_loss, tag_loss=tag_loss)) super().__init__( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, deconv_out_channels=deconv_out_channels, deconv_kernel_sizes=deconv_kernel_sizes, conv_out_channels=conv_out_channels, conv_kernel_sizes=conv_kernel_sizes, has_final_layer=has_final_layer, input_transform=input_transform, input_index=input_index, align_corners=align_corners, loss=loss, decoder=decoder, init_cfg=init_cfg) self.num_keypoints = num_keypoints self.tag_dim = tag_dim self.tag_per_keypoint = tag_per_keypoint
[docs] def predict(self, feats: Features, batch_data_samples: OptSampleList, test_cfg: ConfigType = {}) -> Predictions: """Predict results from features. Args: feats (Features): The features which could be in following forms: - Tuple[Tensor]: multi-stage features from the backbone - List[Tuple[Tensor]]: multiple features for TTA where either `flip_test` or `multiscale_test` is applied - List[List[Tuple[Tensor]]]: multiple features for TTA where both `flip_test` and `multiscale_test` are applied batch_data_samples (List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]): The batch data samples test_cfg (dict): The runtime config for testing process. Defaults to {} Returns: Union[InstanceList | Tuple[InstanceList | PixelDataList]]: If ``test_cfg['output_heatmap']==True``, return both pose and heatmap prediction; otherwise only return the pose prediction. The pose prediction is a list of ``InstanceData``, each contains the following fields: - keypoints (np.ndarray): predicted keypoint coordinates in shape (num_instances, K, D) where K is the keypoint number and D is the keypoint dimension - keypoint_scores (np.ndarray): predicted keypoint scores in shape (num_instances, K) The heatmap prediction is a list of ``PixelData``, each contains the following fields: - heatmaps (Tensor): The predicted heatmaps in shape (K, h, w) """ # test configs multiscale_test = test_cfg.get('multiscale_test', False) flip_test = test_cfg.get('flip_test', False) shift_heatmap = test_cfg.get('shift_heatmap', False) align_corners = test_cfg.get('align_corners', False) restore_heatmap_size = test_cfg.get('restore_heatmap_size', False) output_heatmaps = test_cfg.get('output_heatmaps', False) # enable multi-scale test if multiscale_test: # TTA: multi-scale test assert is_list_of(feats, list if flip_test else tuple) else: assert is_list_of(feats, tuple if flip_test else Tensor) feats = [feats] # resize heatmaps to align with with input size if restore_heatmap_size: img_shape = batch_data_samples[0].metainfo['img_shape'] assert all(d.metainfo['img_shape'] == img_shape for d in batch_data_samples) img_h, img_w = img_shape heatmap_size = (img_w, img_h) else: heatmap_size = None multiscale_heatmaps = [] multiscale_tags = [] for scale_idx, _feats in enumerate(feats): if not flip_test: _heatmaps, _tags = self.forward(_feats) else: # TTA: flip test assert isinstance(_feats, list) and len(_feats) == 2 flip_indices = batch_data_samples[0].metainfo['flip_indices'] # original _feats_orig, _feats_flip = _feats _heatmaps_orig, _tags_orig = self.forward(_feats_orig) # flipped _heatmaps_flip, _tags_flip = self.forward(_feats_flip) _heatmaps_flip = flip_heatmaps( _heatmaps_flip, flip_mode='heatmap', flip_indices=flip_indices, shift_heatmap=shift_heatmap) _tags_flip = self._flip_tags( _tags_flip, flip_indices=flip_indices, shift_heatmap=shift_heatmap) # aggregated heatmaps _heatmaps = aggregate_heatmaps( [_heatmaps_orig, _heatmaps_flip], size=heatmap_size, align_corners=align_corners, mode='average') # aggregated tags (only at original scale) if scale_idx == 0: _tags = aggregate_heatmaps([_tags_orig, _tags_flip], size=heatmap_size, align_corners=align_corners, mode='concat') else: _tags = None multiscale_heatmaps.append(_heatmaps) multiscale_tags.append(_tags) # aggregate multi-scale heatmaps if len(feats) > 1: batch_heatmaps = aggregate_heatmaps( multiscale_heatmaps, align_corners=align_corners, mode='average') else: batch_heatmaps = multiscale_heatmaps[0] # only keep tags at original scale batch_tags = multiscale_tags[0] batch_outputs = tuple([batch_heatmaps, batch_tags]) preds = self.decode(batch_outputs) if output_heatmaps: pred_fields = [] for _heatmaps, _tags in zip(batch_heatmaps.detach(), batch_tags.detach()): pred_fields.append(PixelData(heatmaps=_heatmaps, tags=_tags)) return preds, pred_fields else: return preds
def _flip_tags(self, tags: Tensor, flip_indices: List[int], shift_heatmap: bool = True): """Flip the tagging heatmaps horizontally for test-time augmentation. Args: tags (Tensor): batched tagging heatmaps to flip flip_indices (List[int]): The indices of each keypoint's symmetric keypoint shift_heatmap (bool): Shift the flipped heatmaps to align with the original heatmaps and improve accuracy. Defaults to ``True`` Returns: Tensor: flipped tagging heatmaps """ B, C, H, W = tags.shape K = self.num_keypoints L = self.tag_dim tags = tags.flip(-1) if self.tag_per_keypoint: assert C == K * L tags = tags.view(B, L, K, H, W) tags = tags[:, :, flip_indices] tags = tags.view(B, C, H, W) if shift_heatmap: tags[..., 1:] = tags[..., :-1].clone() return tags
[docs] def forward(self, feats: Tuple[Tensor]) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Forward the network. The input is multi scale feature maps and the output is the heatmaps and tags. Args: feats (Tuple[Tensor]): Multi scale feature maps. Returns: tuple: - heatmaps (Tensor): output heatmaps - tags (Tensor): output tags """ output = super().forward(feats) heatmaps = output[:, :self.num_keypoints] tags = output[:, self.num_keypoints:] return heatmaps, tags
[docs] def loss(self, feats: Tuple[Tensor], batch_data_samples: OptSampleList, train_cfg: ConfigType = {}) -> dict: """Calculate losses from a batch of inputs and data samples. Args: feats (Tuple[Tensor]): The multi-stage features batch_data_samples (List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]): The batch data samples train_cfg (dict): The runtime config for training process. Defaults to {} Returns: dict: A dictionary of losses. """ pred_heatmaps, pred_tags = self.forward(feats) if not self.tag_per_keypoint: pred_tags = pred_tags.repeat((1, self.num_keypoints, 1, 1)) gt_heatmaps = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.heatmaps for d in batch_data_samples]) gt_masks = torch.stack( [d.gt_fields.heatmap_mask for d in batch_data_samples]) keypoint_weights =[ d.gt_instance_labels.keypoint_weights for d in batch_data_samples ]) keypoint_indices = [ d.gt_instance_labels.keypoint_indices for d in batch_data_samples ] loss_kpt = self.loss_module.keypoint_loss(pred_heatmaps, gt_heatmaps, keypoint_weights, gt_masks) loss_pull, loss_push = self.loss_module.tag_loss( pred_tags, keypoint_indices) losses = { 'loss_kpt': loss_kpt, 'loss_pull': loss_pull, 'loss_push': loss_push } return losses
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