
mmpose.models.heads.voxelpose_head 源代码

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# Adapted from
# Original licence: MIT License.
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ..builder import HEADS

[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class CuboidCenterHead(nn.Module): """Get results from the 3D human center heatmap. In this module, human 3D centers are local maximums obtained from the 3D heatmap via NMS (max- pooling). Args: cfg (dict): space_size (list[3]): The size of the 3D space. cube_size (list[3]): The size of the heatmap volume. space_center (list[3]): The coordinate of space center. max_num (int): Maximum of human center detections. max_pool_kernel (int): Kernel size of the max-pool kernel in nms. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(CuboidCenterHead, self).__init__() # use register_buffer self.register_buffer('grid_size', torch.tensor(cfg['space_size'])) self.register_buffer('cube_size', torch.tensor(cfg['cube_size'])) self.register_buffer('grid_center', torch.tensor(cfg['space_center'])) self.num_candidates = cfg['max_num'] self.max_pool_kernel = cfg['max_pool_kernel'] self.loss = nn.MSELoss() def _get_real_locations(self, indices): """ Args: indices (torch.Tensor(NXP)): Indices of points in the 3D tensor Returns: real_locations (torch.Tensor(NXPx3)): Locations of points in the world coordinate system """ real_locations = indices.float() / ( self.cube_size - 1) * self.grid_size + \ self.grid_center - self.grid_size / 2.0 return real_locations def _nms_by_max_pool(self, heatmap_volumes): max_num = self.num_candidates batch_size = heatmap_volumes.shape[0] root_cubes_nms = self._max_pool(heatmap_volumes) root_cubes_nms_reshape = root_cubes_nms.reshape(batch_size, -1) topk_values, topk_index = root_cubes_nms_reshape.topk(max_num) topk_unravel_index = self._get_3d_indices(topk_index, heatmap_volumes[0].shape) return topk_values, topk_unravel_index def _max_pool(self, inputs): kernel = self.max_pool_kernel padding = (kernel - 1) // 2 max = F.max_pool3d( inputs, kernel_size=kernel, stride=1, padding=padding) keep = (inputs == max).float() return keep * inputs @staticmethod def _get_3d_indices(indices, shape): """Get indices in the 3-D tensor. Args: indices (torch.Tensor(NXp)): Indices of points in the 1D tensor shape (torch.Size(3)): The shape of the original 3D tensor Returns: indices: Indices of points in the original 3D tensor """ batch_size = indices.shape[0] num_people = indices.shape[1] indices_x = (indices // (shape[1] * shape[2])).reshape(batch_size, num_people, -1) indices_y = ((indices % (shape[1] * shape[2])) // shape[2]).reshape(batch_size, num_people, -1) indices_z = (indices % shape[2]).reshape(batch_size, num_people, -1) indices =[indices_x, indices_y, indices_z], dim=2) return indices
[文档] def forward(self, heatmap_volumes): """ Args: heatmap_volumes (torch.Tensor(NXLXWXH)): 3D human center heatmaps predicted by the network. Returns: human_centers (torch.Tensor(NXPX5)): Coordinates of human centers. """ batch_size = heatmap_volumes.shape[0] topk_values, topk_unravel_index = self._nms_by_max_pool( heatmap_volumes.detach()) topk_unravel_index = self._get_real_locations(topk_unravel_index) human_centers = torch.zeros( batch_size, self.num_candidates, 5, device=heatmap_volumes.device) human_centers[:, :, 0:3] = topk_unravel_index human_centers[:, :, 4] = topk_values return human_centers
def get_loss(self, pred_cubes, gt): return dict(loss_center=self.loss(pred_cubes, gt))
[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class CuboidPoseHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, beta): """Get results from the 3D human pose heatmap. Instead of obtaining maximums on the heatmap, this module regresses the coordinates of keypoints via integral pose regression. Refer to `paper. <>` for more details. Args: beta: Constant to adjust the magnification of soft-maxed heatmap. """ super(CuboidPoseHead, self).__init__() self.beta = beta self.loss = nn.L1Loss()
[文档] def forward(self, heatmap_volumes, grid_coordinates): """ Args: heatmap_volumes (torch.Tensor(NxKxLxWxH)): 3D human pose heatmaps predicted by the network. grid_coordinates (torch.Tensor(Nx(LxWxH)x3)): Coordinates of the grids in the heatmap volumes. Returns: human_poses (torch.Tensor(NxKx3)): Coordinates of human poses. """ batch_size = heatmap_volumes.size(0) channel = heatmap_volumes.size(1) x = heatmap_volumes.reshape(batch_size, channel, -1, 1) x = F.softmax(self.beta * x, dim=2) grid_coordinates = grid_coordinates.unsqueeze(1) x = torch.mul(x, grid_coordinates) human_poses = torch.sum(x, dim=2) return human_poses
def get_loss(self, preds, targets, weights): return dict(loss_pose=self.loss(preds * weights, targets * weights))
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