
mmpose.datasets.datasets.top_down.topdown_mpii_dataset 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import json
import os
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from mmcv import Config
from import loadmat, savemat

from ...builder import DATASETS
from ..base import Kpt2dSviewRgbImgTopDownDataset

[文档]@DATASETS.register_module() class TopDownMpiiDataset(Kpt2dSviewRgbImgTopDownDataset): """MPII Dataset for top-down pose estimation. "2D Human Pose Estimation: New Benchmark and State of the Art Analysis" ,CVPR'2014. More details can be found in the `paper <>`__ . The dataset loads raw features and apply specified transforms to return a dict containing the image tensors and other information. MPII keypoint indexes:: 0: 'right_ankle' 1: 'right_knee', 2: 'right_hip', 3: 'left_hip', 4: 'left_knee', 5: 'left_ankle', 6: 'pelvis', 7: 'thorax', 8: 'upper_neck', 9: 'head_top', 10: 'right_wrist', 11: 'right_elbow', 12: 'right_shoulder', 13: 'left_shoulder', 14: 'left_elbow', 15: 'left_wrist' Args: ann_file (str): Path to the annotation file. img_prefix (str): Path to a directory where images are held. Default: None. data_cfg (dict): config pipeline (list[dict | callable]): A sequence of data transforms. dataset_info (DatasetInfo): A class containing all dataset info. test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or validation dataset. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, dataset_info=None, test_mode=False): if dataset_info is None: warnings.warn( 'dataset_info is missing. ' 'Check ' 'for details.', DeprecationWarning) cfg = Config.fromfile('configs/_base_/datasets/') dataset_info = cfg._cfg_dict['dataset_info'] super().__init__( ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, dataset_info=dataset_info, coco_style=False, test_mode=test_mode) self.db = self._get_db() self.image_set = set(x['image_file'] for x in self.db) self.num_images = len(self.image_set) print(f'=> num_images: {self.num_images}') print(f'=> load {len(self.db)} samples') def _get_db(self): # create train/val split with open(self.ann_file) as anno_file: anno = json.load(anno_file) gt_db = [] bbox_id = 0 for a in anno: image_name = a['image'] center = np.array(a['center'], dtype=np.float32) scale = np.array([a['scale'], a['scale']], dtype=np.float32) # Adjust center/scale slightly to avoid cropping limbs if center[0] != -1: center[1] = center[1] + 15 * scale[1] # padding to include proper amount of context scale = scale * 1.25 # MPII uses matlab format, index is 1-based, # we should first convert to 0-based index center = center - 1 joints_3d = np.zeros((self.ann_info['num_joints'], 3), dtype=np.float32) joints_3d_visible = np.zeros((self.ann_info['num_joints'], 3), dtype=np.float32) if not self.test_mode: joints = np.array(a['joints']) joints_vis = np.array(a['joints_vis']) assert len(joints) == self.ann_info['num_joints'], \ f'joint num diff: {len(joints)}' + \ f' vs {self.ann_info["num_joints"]}' joints_3d[:, 0:2] = joints[:, 0:2] - 1 joints_3d_visible[:, :2] = joints_vis[:, None] image_file = os.path.join(self.img_prefix, image_name) gt_db.append({ 'image_file': image_file, 'bbox_id': bbox_id, 'center': center, 'scale': scale, 'rotation': 0, 'joints_3d': joints_3d, 'joints_3d_visible': joints_3d_visible, 'dataset': self.dataset_name, 'bbox_score': 1 }) bbox_id = bbox_id + 1 gt_db = sorted(gt_db, key=lambda x: x['bbox_id']) return gt_db
[文档] def evaluate(self, outputs, res_folder, metric='PCKh', **kwargs): """Evaluate PCKh for MPII dataset. Adapted from Copyright (c) Microsoft, under the MIT License. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - heatmap height: H - heatmap width: W Args: outputs (list[dict]): Outputs containing the following items. - preds (np.ndarray[N,K,3]): The first two dimensions are \ coordinates, score is the third dimension of the array. - boxes (np.ndarray[N,6]): [center[0], center[1], scale[0], \ scale[1],area, score] - image_paths (list[str]): For example, ['/val2017/000000\ 397133.jpg'] - heatmap (np.ndarray[N, K, H, W]): model output heatmap. res_folder(str): Path of directory to save the results. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be performed. Defaults: 'PCKh'. Returns: dict: PCKh for each joint """ metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] allowed_metrics = ['PCKh'] for metric in metrics: if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported') kpts = [] for output in outputs: preds = output['preds'] bbox_ids = output['bbox_ids'] batch_size = len(bbox_ids) for i in range(batch_size): kpts.append({'keypoints': preds[i], 'bbox_id': bbox_ids[i]}) kpts = self._sort_and_unique_bboxes(kpts) preds = np.stack([kpt['keypoints'] for kpt in kpts]) # convert 0-based index to 1-based index, # and get the first two dimensions. preds = preds[..., :2] + 1.0 if res_folder: pred_file = os.path.join(res_folder, 'pred.mat') savemat(pred_file, mdict={'preds': preds}) SC_BIAS = 0.6 threshold = 0.5 gt_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.ann_file), 'mpii_gt_val.mat') gt_dict = loadmat(gt_file) dataset_joints = gt_dict['dataset_joints'] jnt_missing = gt_dict['jnt_missing'] pos_gt_src = gt_dict['pos_gt_src'] headboxes_src = gt_dict['headboxes_src'] pos_pred_src = np.transpose(preds, [1, 2, 0]) head = np.where(dataset_joints == 'head')[1][0] lsho = np.where(dataset_joints == 'lsho')[1][0] lelb = np.where(dataset_joints == 'lelb')[1][0] lwri = np.where(dataset_joints == 'lwri')[1][0] lhip = np.where(dataset_joints == 'lhip')[1][0] lkne = np.where(dataset_joints == 'lkne')[1][0] lank = np.where(dataset_joints == 'lank')[1][0] rsho = np.where(dataset_joints == 'rsho')[1][0] relb = np.where(dataset_joints == 'relb')[1][0] rwri = np.where(dataset_joints == 'rwri')[1][0] rkne = np.where(dataset_joints == 'rkne')[1][0] rank = np.where(dataset_joints == 'rank')[1][0] rhip = np.where(dataset_joints == 'rhip')[1][0] jnt_visible = 1 - jnt_missing uv_error = pos_pred_src - pos_gt_src uv_err = np.linalg.norm(uv_error, axis=1) headsizes = headboxes_src[1, :, :] - headboxes_src[0, :, :] headsizes = np.linalg.norm(headsizes, axis=0) headsizes *= SC_BIAS scale = headsizes * np.ones((len(uv_err), 1), dtype=np.float32) scaled_uv_err = uv_err / scale scaled_uv_err = scaled_uv_err * jnt_visible jnt_count = np.sum(jnt_visible, axis=1) less_than_threshold = (scaled_uv_err <= threshold) * jnt_visible PCKh = 100. * np.sum(less_than_threshold, axis=1) / jnt_count # save rng = np.arange(0, 0.5 + 0.01, 0.01) pckAll = np.zeros((len(rng), 16), dtype=np.float32) for r, threshold in enumerate(rng): less_than_threshold = (scaled_uv_err <= threshold) * jnt_visible pckAll[r, :] = 100. * np.sum( less_than_threshold, axis=1) / jnt_count PCKh =, mask=False) PCKh.mask[6:8] = True jnt_count =, mask=False) jnt_count.mask[6:8] = True jnt_ratio = jnt_count / np.sum(jnt_count).astype(np.float64) name_value = [('Head', PCKh[head]), ('Shoulder', 0.5 * (PCKh[lsho] + PCKh[rsho])), ('Elbow', 0.5 * (PCKh[lelb] + PCKh[relb])), ('Wrist', 0.5 * (PCKh[lwri] + PCKh[rwri])), ('Hip', 0.5 * (PCKh[lhip] + PCKh[rhip])), ('Knee', 0.5 * (PCKh[lkne] + PCKh[rkne])), ('Ankle', 0.5 * (PCKh[lank] + PCKh[rank])), ('PCKh', np.sum(PCKh * jnt_ratio)), ('PCKh@0.1', np.sum(pckAll[10, :] * jnt_ratio))] name_value = OrderedDict(name_value) return name_value
def _sort_and_unique_bboxes(self, kpts, key='bbox_id'): """sort kpts and remove the repeated ones.""" kpts = sorted(kpts, key=lambda x: x[key]) num = len(kpts) for i in range(num - 1, 0, -1): if kpts[i][key] == kpts[i - 1][key]: del kpts[i] return kpts
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