
2D Animal Pose Demo

2D Animal Pose Image Demo

Using gt hand bounding boxes as input

We provide a demo script to test a single image, given gt json file.

Pose Model Preparation: The pre-trained pose estimation model can be downloaded from model zoo. Take macaque model as an example:

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/animal/resnet/macaque/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/macaque/ --json-file tests/data/macaque/test_macaque.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

To run demos on CPU:

python demo/ \
    configs/animal/resnet/macaque/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/macaque/ --json-file tests/data/macaque/test_macaque.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

2D Animal Pose Video Demo

We also provide video demos to illustrate the results.

Using the full image as input

If the video is cropped with the object centered in the screen, we can simply use the full image as the model input (without object detection).

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/animal/resnet/fly/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo_fly_video.avi \
    --out-video-root vis_results

Using MMDetection to detect animals

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.


In COCO dataset, there are 80 object categories, including 10 common animal categories (15: ‘bird’, 16: ‘cat’, 17: ‘dog’, 18: ‘horse’, 19: ‘sheep’, 20: ‘cow’, 21: ‘elephant’, 22: ‘bear’, 23: ‘zebra’, 24: ‘giraffe’) For these COCO-animals, please download the COCO pre-trained detection model from MMDetection Model Zoo.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    --det-cat-id ${CATEGORY_ID}
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/animal/resnet/horse10/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo_horse.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results \
    --bbox-thr 0.1 \
    --kpt-thr 0.4 \
    --det-cat-id 18

Other Animals

For other animals, we have also provided some pre-trained animal detection models (1-class models). Supported models can be found in det model zoo. The pre-trained animal pose estimation model can be found in pose model zoo.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--det-cat-id ${CATEGORY_ID}]
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/animal/resnet/macaque/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo_macaque.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results \
    --bbox-thr 0.5 \
    --kpt-thr 0.3 \

Speed Up Inference

Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:

For 2D animal pose estimation models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in macaque-res50.

  2. set post_process='default' in macaque-res50.

2D Face Keypoint Demo

2D Face Image Demo

Using gt face bounding boxes as input

We provide a demo script to test a single image, given gt json file.

Face Keypoint Model Preparation: The pre-trained face keypoint estimation model can be found from model zoo. Take aflw model as an example:

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/face/hrnetv2/aflw/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/onehand10k/ --json-file tests/data/onehand10k/test_onehand10k.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

To run demos on CPU:

python demo/ \
    configs/face/hrnetv2/aflw/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/aflw/ --json-file tests/data/aflw/test_aflw.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

Using face bounding box detectors

We provide a demo script to run face detection and face keypoint estimation.

Please install face_recognition before running the demo, by pip install face_recognition. For more details, please refer to

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --img ${IMG_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]
python demo/ \
    configs/face/hrnetv2/aflw/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/aflw/ \
    --img image04476.jpg \
    --out-img-root vis_results

2D Face Video Demo

We also provide a video demo to illustrate the results.

Please install face_recognition before running the demo, by pip install face_recognition. For more details, please refer to

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/face/hrnetv2/aflw/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo_video.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

Speed Up Inference

Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:

For 2D face keypoint estimation models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in face-hrnetv2_w18.

  2. set post_process='default' in face-hrnetv2_w18.

2D Hand Keypoint Demo

2D Hand Image Demo

Using gt hand bounding boxes as input

We provide a demo script to test a single image, given gt json file.

Hand Pose Model Preparation: The pre-trained hand pose estimation model can be downloaded from model zoo. Take onehand10k model as an example:

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/hand/resnet/onehand10k/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/onehand10k/ --json-file tests/data/onehand10k/test_onehand10k.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

To run demos on CPU:

python demo/ \
    configs/hand/resnet/onehand10k/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/onehand10k/ --json-file tests/data/onehand10k/test_onehand10k.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

Using mmdet for hand bounding box detection

We provide a demo script to run mmdet for hand detection, and mmpose for hand pose estimation.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

Hand Box Model Preparation: The pre-trained hand box estimation model can be found in det model zoo.

Hand Pose Model Preparation: The pre-trained hand pose estimation model can be downloaded from pose model zoo.

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --img ${IMG_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]
python demo/ demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/hand/resnet/onehand10k/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/onehand10k/ \
    --img 9.jpg \
    --out-img-root vis_results

2D Hand Video Demo

We also provide a video demo to illustrate the results.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

Hand Box Model Preparation: The pre-trained hand box estimation model can be found in det model zoo.

Hand Pose Model Preparation: The pre-trained hand pose estimation model can be found in pose model zoo.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/hand/resnet/onehand10k/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo_video.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

Speed Up Inference

Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:

For 2D hand pose estimation models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in hand-res50.

  2. set post_process='default' in hand-res50.

2D Human Pose Demo

2D Human Pose Top-Down Image Demo

Using gt human bounding boxes as input

We provide a demo script to test a single image, given gt json file.

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/top_down/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ --json-file tests/data/coco/test_coco.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

To run demos on CPU:

python demo/ \
    configs/top_down/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ --json-file tests/data/coco/test_coco.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

Using mmdet for human bounding box detection

We provide a demo script to run mmdet for human detection, and mmpose for pose estimation.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --img ${IMG_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/top_down/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ \
    --img 000000196141.jpg \
    --out-img-root vis_results

2D Human Pose Top-Down Video Demo

We also provide a video demo to illustrate the results.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/top_down/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

2D Human Pose Bottom-Up Image Demo

We provide a demo script to test a single image.

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR} --pose-nms-thr ${POSE_NMS_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/bottom_up/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ --json-file tests/data/coco/test_coco.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

2D Human Pose Bottom-Up Video Demo

We also provide a video demo to illustrate the results.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR} --pose-nms-thr ${POSE_NMS_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/bottom_up/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

Speed Up Inference

Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:

For top-down models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in topdown-res50.

  2. set post_process='default' in topdown-res50.

  3. use faster human bounding box detector, see MMDetection.

For bottom-up models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in bottomup-res50.

  2. set adjust=False in bottomup-res50.

  3. set refine=False in bottomup-res50.

  4. use smaller input image size in bottomup-res50.

2D Pose Tracking Demo

2D Top-Down Video Human Pose Tracking Demo

We provide a video demo to illustrate the pose tracking results.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]
    [--use-oks-tracking --tracking-thr ${TRACKING_THR} --euro]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/top_down/resnet/coco/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

2D Top-Down Video Human Pose Tracking Demo with MMTracking

MMTracking is an open source video perception toolbox based on PyTorch for tracking related tasks. Here we show how to utilize MMTracking and MMPose to achieve human pose tracking.

Assume that you have already installed mmtracking.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmtracking_cfg/ \
    configs/top_down/resnet/coco/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

2D Bottom-Up Video Human Pose Tracking Demo

We also provide a pose tracking demo with bottom-up pose estimation methods.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR} --pose-nms-thr ${POSE_NMS_THR}]
    [--use-oks-tracking --tracking-thr ${TRACKING_THR} --euro]


python demo/ \
    configs/bottom_up/hrnet/coco/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

Speed Up Inference

Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:

For top-down 2D human pose models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in topdown-res50.

  2. set post_process='default' in topdown-res50.

  3. use faster human detector or human tracker, see MMDetection or MMTracking.

2D Human Whole-Body Pose Demo

2D Human Whole-Body Pose Top-Down Image Demo

Using gt human bounding boxes as input

We provide a demo script to test a single image, given gt json file.

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/wholebody/darkpose/coco-wholebody/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ --json-file tests/data/coco/test_coco.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

To run demos on CPU:

python demo/ \
    configs/wholebody/darkpose/coco-wholebody/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ --json-file tests/data/coco/test_coco.json \
    --out-img-root vis_results

Using mmdet for human bounding box detection

We provide a demo script to run mmdet for human detection, and mmpose for pose estimation.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

python demo/ \
    --img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --img ${IMG_FILE} \
    --out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/wholebody/darkpose/coco-wholebody/ \ \
    --img-root tests/data/coco/ \
    --img 000000196141.jpg \
    --out-img-root vis_results

2D Human Whole-Body Pose Top-Down Video Demo

We also provide a video demo to illustrate the results.

Assume that you have already installed mmdet.

python demo/ \
    --video-path ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
    [--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
    [--bbox-thr ${BBOX_SCORE_THR} --kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    demo/mmdetection_cfg/ \ \
    configs/wholebody/darkpose/coco-wholebody/ \ \
    --video-path demo/resources/demo_video.mp4 \
    --out-video-root vis_results

Speed Up Inference

Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:

For top-down models, try to edit the config file. For example,

  1. set flip_test=False in pose_hrnet_w48_dark+.

  2. set post_process='default' in pose_hrnet_w48_dark+.

  3. use faster human bounding box detector, see MMDetection.